Process Custody of Child after Divorce in Pakistan:
If you wish to process custody of child after divorce in Pakistan or child maintenance cases, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Suppose one parent relocates to another location to settle in and the journey to the destination or area itself is troublesome. In that case, the parent who does not travel is the one who keeps the child because when traveling in this manner, the child is affected. If the child decides to go on a trip, they must not travel because the traveler convinced him on custody of child after divorce in Pakistan or child maintenance cases.
Secure Location:
If the location that a parent plans to move to is secure and the route to the location is secure, then the father is entitled to the right to stay with the child whether he's staying there or traveling. If the move is located close to where the father will be with his children daily, then the mother will be granted custody. The judge said, "If the travel is not very far, the move is not considered to be residency."
Shafi'I Thoughts:
A few Shafi'i agreed with that since the father has the right to watch over the child for custody of child after divorce in Pakistan or child maintenance cases. Ahmad's stated is more important since the distance between him and the child deters him from discipline. Regarding the father's rights to take custody if the family is divided, Shariah, Malik, and Al-Shafi'i have said that if the father is absent and the mother is given custody.
Child Maintenance cases:
Regarding the custody of child after divorce in Pakistan or child maintenance cases if the mother relocates to the location of the first marriage, she is entitled to the right to custody, but if she moves to a different location and the father is the one who has the right. The following is a quote from Abi Hanifa if she relocates from an urban area to a village in the country, her father is granted the right to take custody. If she relocates to the city, she is entitled to the right to be in custody since she can offer the child education and assist him in completing his degree. Because the parents live in different areas, the father also has the right of custody in addition to when the mother relocates from the city to a village, or if she moves to a city in a different location than the one of the initial marriage.
Some Information:
The information on custody of child after divorce in Pakistan or child maintenance cases they provided is not accurate since fathers are the ones who discipline, raise, and safeguard the family lineage of their son. If the father isn't present within the town, he'll be in danger, as if he was in the village. If they relocate into the same city, then the mom is entitled to the right to have custody. Suppose the father obtains custody due to moving to a different location from his mother, and they come back to be at the same location. In that case, the mother gets custody of any woman from the mother's side with the right to custody.
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