Islam and Khula Certificate in Pakistan:
If you wish to obtain khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan you may contact Jamila Law Associates. For Khula in Pakistan, U need to know the Easy & Short Khula Procedure in Pakistan & Khula Process in Pakistan. ADV Jamila Ali is the Complete Sonerio of Khula Pakistani Law for the Females. A person having resolved a question legally or not applying the law correctly must correct the wrong. Prophet (P.B.U.H) and pious person whenever found that some error was committed immediately sought forgiveness and refuge from God and review doing song doings. Dissolution of marriage based on khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan instead of dower"
Decree For Dissolution of Marriage:
The wife could challenge the Condition attached with the decree for dissolution of marriage by filing an appeal under s. Where dissolute, ion is qualified the by the Condition of particular consideration for khula and unless that condition is fulfilled, a khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan would not attain finality and as such, said decree is not hit by section 14(2 )(a) of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, and a person aggrieved of Such Condition can Competently file an appeal under section 14 of the 'In case the lady has the right to challenge.
Appellate Court:
The same appellate Court to the extent of conditions attached to such a decree regarding the return of benefits to the husband without impairing the integrity decree for dissolution of marriage.

Decree for khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan on Condition of return of 5-tolas gold ornaments or in alternative payment of Rs. 3600 is appealable." Wife had claimed dissolution of marriage based on cruelty and second marriage of husband etc. Instead, his attorney appeared for deposing on his behalf.
Nadra Divorce Certificate in Pakistan:
Regarding the khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan a spouse could depose material relations in family cases, and no one could be a better substitute. Husband had contracted a second marriage, which by itself was sufficient ground to dissolve the marriage. A decision is given, or a decree passed by Family Court was appealable. The logic behind the non-provision of appeal in the dissolution case was to protect the wife from costly and prolonged litigation. The wife could file an appeal against judgment or decision of Family Court where her Suit was not decreed based on cruelty or other grounds recognized under Family Laws even if marriage was dissolved based on khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan.
Appeal Filed By the Wife:
The appeal filed by the wife was competent as she had challenged the Condition through appeal. If it refused a claim for dower, then the same was appealable. Family Court had committed wrong while dissolving the marriage on khula despite the availability of grounds alleged by the wife. The court had concluded that the husband's machismo attitude and displaying his masculine aggressiveness had compelled. The wife should ask for the dissolution of marriage even on the ground of khula certificate in Pakistan or Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan.
Dowered property:
Then, the court should refuse the return of the dower amount or dowered property to the husband or relieve him from payment of outstanding dower. Appellate Court had rightly held that wife was entitled to the dowered house while dissolving the marriage based on cruelty."