Following Khula Pakistan Family Law:
If you wish to follow the khula Pakistan family law for Nadra divorce certificate by a law expert you may contact Jamila Law Associates. It can take no exception to the procedure adopted by the Family Court because the impugned order is strictly by the proviso to subsection (4) of section 10 of the Family Court. However, before parting with his judgment, it is emphasized that Family Court, while dissolving the marriage through khula Pakistan family law for Nadra divorce certificate on the strength of the said proviso, shall make intensive efforts for conciliation and deal with the situation intelligently and with a reasonable degree of care and caution.
Court Involvement:
The involvement of the Court in conciliation efforts must be with an object to achieve the favorable result by saving the marital bond of the spouses from destruction. If out of wedlock child/ children is/ are born and alive, the approach of the Court must be with an extra degree of care. Given the drastic change introduced by enacting proviso to subsection(4) or section 10 of the Family Courts Act, the conciliation proceedings shall not conduct new in summary or casual manner, lest it opens a flood gate to dissolve marriages via khula Pakistan family law for Nadra divorce certificate at a large scale on flimsy or artificial premise.
Probe Deeply:
The Court must probe deeply into the spouses' minds to discover the level and quantum of aversion entertained for each other. The unwarranted liberal approach in dissolving the marriage on the mere desire of the wife without just cause might render this beneficial Provision a tool for inviting social evils both visible and invisible.

Nadra Divorce Certificate:
Regarding the khula Pakistan family law for Nadra divorce certificate in many cases, it has been judicially noticed efforts of the court, spouses have entered into happy reunion forest of their life. However, the Family Court would be acting within the sphere of its allotted jurisdiction/ authority in dissolving. The marriage, when all its efforts to persuade the wife for happy reunion fail, and there is a strong possibility that the spouses would transgress the limits ordained by God" in case of forced/ unhappyreunion.27.Section 10(4). Proviso to S. 10(4) Family Courts Act, 1964 has an overriding effect which states that no decision or judgment of any Court Tribunal shall be an impediment; therefore, right granted for dissolution of marriage via khula Pakistan family law for Nadra divorce certificate is absolute can contingent only upon restoration of has mehr to the husband and nothing else.
Husband Fault:
Husband cannot reap the benefit of his fault, even otherwise given the dissolution of marriage by family Court decree of restitution of conjugal rights legally ineffective. Section 10(4). A divorce pronounced me the husband before consummation of marriage. Family Court-dissolved marriage based on khula Pakistan family law for Nadra divorce certificate and found that defendant-husband was entitled to recover seven tolas gold as dower from the plaintiff-wife. The husband pronounced If Talaq before consummation; then-wife was entitled to half of the dower fixed at the time of Nikah.